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i want to ask a question

22 17:39:53

i love birds. but, i have no idea how to breed. please tell some tips how can i breed a good baby African love birds. and how many eggs that that African love birds in first breed? and how many types of African love birds do you know?

Hi, Jemuel,

I found your question in the question pool this morning.

Jemuel, there is so much information you need to know/learn.  I cannot possibly tell you everything on this website.  You can visit for more information or visit my website for starters:  

You have to start off with a male/female pair of birds.  These birds have to pair-bond first before they will think about mating.  This can take much time or the pair might hit it off with each other right away, it just depends on the birds involved.  Some pairs don't like each other at all...this is a chance you take when you purchase parrots.  There are no guarantees when it comes to aves.

Once you see the pair are pair-bonded (the male will feed the female beak-to-beak), then you can put up a nesting box.  Mother Nature will take it from there.  However, many problems can develop and you have to know how to handle these problems.  Learn all you can before you get into breeding parrots.

Lovies usually lay 4-6 eggs per clutch.  They incubate for about 18 days, then the eggs start to hatch, if incubation was successful and the eggs are fertile.  

There are many different subspecies of lovebirds.  You'll have to search the internet, purchase books/magazines, etc., for the different types of lovebirds available.  I know of about 6 myself, but there are many others.
