Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Please Help!

Please Help!

22 17:39:12

QUESTION: A couple weeks ago, my cockatiel had a lot of blood under his wing and it
looked fresh. It wasn't dripping, but I decided to take him to the avian vet
anyway. She said she didn't see any cut but if it started bleeding again see her
soon. That wing didn't start bleeding again, but now the other wing is doing
the exact same thing. I'm so worried, should i let him pick it? It looks pretty
fresh!  Its still not dripping, but its red and all over the inside of his wing (the
armpit area) The other wings dry but i'm worried.

ANSWER: Karen,

No, don't let him pick it, that might cause infection.  He is showing signs of a parasitic infection of the digestive tract called "Giardia."  One of the symptoms is feather plucking, and often that is done under the wings.

Please bring him back to the Avian Vet ASAP and ask for a fecal test for Giardia.

Good luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Cindy,
I want to thank you so much and I apologize for the panicking question
before, I  just love the little guy so much it would kill me to see him go! I
followed your advice and the avian vet said the fecal test for Giardia came
back negative. They also recommended keeping him close to me and night
and keeping a night light on to prevent "night frights" which i do believe i've
heard him do before. I guess this could be why he's cutting up his wing. I just
wanted to ask though is there anything else i should know about?
Thanks Again,
Best wishes, Karen


I'm so glad you brought him to an avian vet.  If you see him pluck at all, you may want to collect one of his larger fecal samples from first thing in the morning, and have the vet test that.  Giardia doesn't always show up when you want it, and you sometimes need to test more than one sample.

Good luck,
