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puffed up scale on common garter

22 15:31:42


View of Scale Swelling
My daughter has been keeping a common garter snake as a pet since 2005.  Today we noticed that the scale just below her right eye is puffed up. She is active and ate 3 goldfish last Saturday.  The swelling isn't red or irritated and we are not seeing any behavior changes.  Do you know what the swelling might be and what if anything we should do about it?

The only thing that comes to mind is about her cage conditions. Is there any chance that she was in a wet cage for more than a week? A wet environment can cause this. If not, then I'm not really sure what it could be. You can either wait and let the snake go through a couple of shed cycles to see if it helps, or else see a reptile vet. I would see the reptile vet if it were my snake.