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Snake identification

22 15:20:29

QUESTION: While out walking, we spotted a curious snake - clearly non-poisonous from the shape of the head.  It was chocolate brown and marked with vivid yellow diamonds on its back, almost appearing as if someone painted them.  I haven't been able to find a picture or description of anything similar online. Thank you for your help!

ANSWER: Karen,

I have a few questions to ask before I can help you. Were these diamonds big that were down the back one-by-one? Or were they tiny and filled the entire back? Describe the size and placement of the diamonds better if you can. And what size was the snake? Was it long or short? Fat or skinny? Also, where do you live? Thanks.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The diamonds were vivid yellow, in a single row, and laid out down the back and joined together.  They were fairly large, and the shape of each would resemble a baseball diamond if you were looking directly down at it.  The snake was about three feet long, maybe a little less, and on the skinny side.  He/she was also very shy and not aggressive in any way.  We spotted it in Old Sacramento, California, which is near the Sacramento River.

Reticulated python
Reticulated python  
I can only think of a few snakes who have diamond patterns and most are not yellow in color. Rat snakes can have diamond type shaped patterns but they usually are more tan than yellow. Diamond back rattlers diamonds are yellow or white outlined with black in them...I have attached a picture of the only snake I can really match close to your description and even this I don't think is it. This is a reticulated python. whose diamonds are not like a baseball diamond, and I don't know what one would be doing in California unless one was let loose.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.