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Finding a Mate

22 15:20:37

My Central Asian Sand Boa is about 6 years old and is awesome! Thinking about wonderful little boas and I'm not quite sure how to select the best mate.  I need to know about introductions and what characteristics make a good candidate... and anything else you can think of that is important.  Will introducing new snakes, mating, and birthing change her behavior drastically? How can I prepare the terrarium? Etc? Thanks

OK, let me preface this by saying I have never kept any kind of sand boa-so... I am NOT an expert on those particular snakes.  

Mates should be roughly the same size when possible.  Temp cycling can be important but I do not know anything about it for sand boas.  Typically sand boas (I have sold them) are quite docile, so I'd doubt any major behavioral changes up until the female is pregnant.  Once she is there can be some minor changes is habits (feeding, basking,etc.) but typically I have not noticed much change in attitudes towards humans in MY boas (boa constrictor).  You'll either need to check with one of the other experts or get a book which deals specifically with your perferred species for the specifics you are going to need...  Sorry!