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thermostat probe for my ball python

22 15:32:56

Thank you so much for your help last week.I have a ceramic heat emitter and an under tank heater on my warm side of the tank (20 gal. long glass),I have reptile carpet and on top of that i have cypress as substrate,Until now i have not been using a thermostat and i have been monitoring my temperature several times daily manualy.Today i am getting a proportional thermostat and i am wondering where i should place the thermostat probe.
Thank you again for all your help - Gabe

You should put the probe on the warm end where you see the snake spending most of it's time. If it spends time on top of the substrate, put it on top of the cypress. If it burrows under that to the carpet then bury it under the substrate. I'm guessing there won't be a huge temp difference between the two.