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my ball python(Mowgli)

22 15:31:26

My python mowgli is getting very thin, hes almost years old. My concern is with him almost drooling, and sometimes it is white. He was slightly dehydrated but i soaked him  in water. Hes in the process of shedding, and hes thinking out fast. Do you think I should try to force feed him? What could the problem be with his 'drooling'?please help me out Eric I'm very worried about Mowgli.

Hi Amanda,

If he is not eating and losing allot of weight I would suggest you force feed him.

Check you temps and humidity levels in the tank. It could be a respiratory infection. This is fixed by correcting the tank settings.

Hope this helps, you might consider bringing him to the vet to get some antibiotics.

Eric Rovegno