Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > can i get a viper?

can i get a viper?

22 15:33:36

hey im living in ireland and i have a few snakes i have a cali king snake, ball python, bullsnake and a burmese python and i was just wondering is there any way of gettin any type of viper? with or without their venom milked? thank you

Most, if not all vipers are protected under DWA. This means that you need licenses among other things to allow you to keep them. Venomous snakes and DWA aren't really in my area of expertise so i don't know how you would go about getting the licenses needed to keep these animals.

However, if you are desperate for a venomous snake i know of two venomous snakes not protected under the DWA act:

Hognose snake
False water cobra

Only very experienced snake keepers should keep venomous snakes as their behavior is different to non-venomous snakes, and an untrained keeper may get bitten.

Sorry i cant be of more help and thanks for your question,
