Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Help...My Ball Python will not come out of a coiled position.

Help...My Ball Python will not come out of a coiled position.

22 15:31:03

My friend just bought me a ball python for Christmas 2 days ago, and well he was moving, and enjoying himself for a day or so.  Now on Sunday, I did feed him a live rat and he ate it well, since then I have put him in his cage and he has not come out of a coil position.  His breathing is short and some times fast.  I have seen him move just enough to readjust but it is not drinking, or moving.  I am very concerned.  I notice that everyone keeps talking about the temp and humidity.  How can I get the take to the right temp, and how as well can i get the humidity where it needs to be.  Help me please before it dies...

Hello Phillip,

For starters you do not need to worry about your snake. He is just being a snake. They will usually come out at night and drink what they need. They will also spend a great deal of the day balled up. No need to worry.

As for the temp and humidity level. The best thing you can do is buy a thermostat and a moisture level reader. You can get them at petsmart.To help keep the heat in the tank and this will even help with the humidity levels is to buy a sheet of 1/4 inch plastic and drill several holes in it then place it over 2/3 of the tank. This will help keep it all in.

Temp====  85-92 degrees

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovegno