Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > scales on snakes belly are peeling strangely

scales on snakes belly are peeling strangely

22 15:27:12

hello! i have a question about my snake, but i'd like to provide a bit of background information first so you know a little more about him.
the background:
he's a ball python, about 15 years old, and rather healthy. he eats one live mouse about every 5-7 days and is very active. he has been my brother's snake for all of his life up until a month ago, when he decided to study abroad and left the snake in my care. he sheds very well and doesn't show any signs of distress or discomfort.
the question:
i noticed when i got him that there was some strange peeling of his underbelly that looks thinner than a shed skin. it doesn't come off when i give him baths and has a light tan-ish tint to it that is darker than what i think his underbelly should be. i don't know if this is normal as they get older or not or how long this has been the case as i haven't lived with the snake in about 5 years.

i hope this has been enough information.

thank you very much,

Hi Maria,

you royal seems to have gotten a condition called scale rot but its sounds like it is in the early stages at the moment. scale rot is a bacterial infection in the scales which causes them to rot giving them a brownish tinge to them and making them crack and split.

it is usually caused by excessive exposure to damp conditions but can also be associated with spending too much time over a heat mat. first off i would remove any substrate in the tank and replace it with newspaper and remove any heat mats - just make sure you continue to get the right temperatures.

next you will need to get a hold of an iodine antibacterial solution for reptiles. in england we have a product called tamodine. this should be available from any reptile pet shop. you will need to apply the iodine solution daily using a cloth or some cotton wool to the affected area. keep his tank clean and dry and the scale rot will eventually shed itself out - hopefully after only the first shed.

i hope this helps,
