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Red Tail Boa Blue discoloration

22 15:27:06

I have a baby Red Tail Boa. It's about 15" long.  Good eater.  Feeding it 2 fuzzies every week.  It just shed about 5 days ago.  I've just noticed a dark blue, almost purple color to it's skin about half way down it's body.  Looks almost like a bruise. I have been feeding it in it's cage with pine shavings as bedding, and just learned that it's not a good idea, so I will change that.  Not sure the discoloration is connected, though. Any idea's what it could be? Should I be concerned enough to take it to a vet?

Hi David,

i dont think its connected to the pine shavings but im not sure exactly what it is though it sounds like an impact injury. are there any ledges that your boa can fall off or anywhere it may get trapped?

i think you should take your snake to a vet to be safe. hopefully your snake will be fine but its better to be safe than sorry.

thanks for your question,
