Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Corn snake regurgitation!

Corn snake regurgitation!

22 15:33:19

I fed my corn snake on Monday, a small fuzzy. She then had a lump for a while,
and looked like she couldn't digest it. Then on Thursday she regurgitated. She
has been acting fin since then, and I am waiting 10 days until I feed her again. I
am wondering if they prey was too big, because it was more than 1.5 times the
size of her neck. What's wrong with my snake?

Could have been too large, the snake could have gotten upset by something, also it may have just been sick.  Keep an eye on the snake make sure it doesnt exhibit any other symptoms to cause alarm if not then things are most likely fien and the snake was just upset.