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feeding very small cornsnake

22 15:27:04

hey i just got a baby cornsnake im not sure how old it is but its about 8inches long and its mouth is only about half a centimeter wide. all i know is snakes eat mice but im very concerned its way to small to even swallow a newborn pinky what should i feed it if its that small and he has had a meal for a week. how old is he if hes that big? ps. can he eat worms or crickets to start off? thank you so much... Kurt.

  I would take the snake to your local pet store and have them advise you to see if they have anything small enough to feed the baby corn. I would think a newborn pinky would work, but without seeing the diameter of the snake, it is hard to tell. You can feed them earthworms if they will eat them but most wont. I would think that a snake of that size is less than a month or two old.