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What kind of snake is this?

22 15:19:57

Ok, so a friend of mine found this snake in her yard(in northeast louisiana)and asked a few people what kind it was. So I looked it up and to me it looks like a Black Rat Snake, but everyone keeps telling her it was a copperhead! I thought copperheads were gold or dark brown with black hourglass, not Black with gray hourglass.  Please clear this up for me. Thanks

I'm not 100% positive on this one.  The colors and pattern say rat snake but that head is "iffy."  It does kinda look venomous.  BUT...  Many times rat snake will flatten out like that in order to do just that; look venomous.  Is there another picture?  Maybe one from the side where I can see the eyes.  If the pupils are round it's nonvenomous.