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Wound on Milk snake

22 15:32:46

I noticed a lump on my 6 year old Pueblan milk snake. There is 1 & 1/2 scale missing at the center of the lump. The lump is hard to the touch. He seems normal moving around the tank and climbing over the fiberglass logs. He is normally fed freshly killed miceor frozen ones. Never live mice althoug occasionally I feed some live pinky's or fuzzy's when the pet store is out of mice. Ani ideas on what this is and what I should do about it?

Can you tell me where on the snake the lump is? You called it a wound -- is it possible that one of the fresh killed mice wasn't really dead and could have bitten the snake? Is it just a lump under the skin, or is there an open wound.

The reason for so many questions is that it's hard to suggest what to do since there aren't really enough details. The only lumps I've ever encountered were near a snake's vent and were caused by a must gland infection. If your snake actually had an open wound on the lump you can try treating with neosporin, but I would highly suggest taking it to see a vet.