Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Baby boa wont eat

Baby boa wont eat

22 15:20:27

Hi ya

Im wondering if you could help me. I got my baby boa about 2 wks ago - so that would now make her 8 weeks old. the person i brought her off said she had been feeding her pinkies and she had 2 regualr meals. Since i have got her she wont feed. I have tried pinkies, rat pups and fuzzys. I have tried leaving them with her and even wiggling it in front of her face she doesnt seem interested.

Oh and she favours the cold end of the viv if that helps.

Any ideas on how to help her.


   If this is a reputable pet store, take the snake back and tell them the issue. If it is a private person, call them and tell them you want them to get the snake to eat for you. If you have the go it alone, my only suggestion is that you try live. If you can pet store that sells live pinkys, that is your best bet. A lot of times, private sellers will "unload" snakes that wont eat so they can make a buck and not worry about losing money if the snake dies. I suggest you ride the seller hard for some help.