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bad king snake

22 15:20:28

Hi my question is regarding a 4yr old cal king snake
I got him about 1and half ago as a rescue. He has always been scared and musked me when handling but in the last month or so its gotten worse not better. He is pooing allover me and this last week he is now biting me. Its getting to the stage were i don't want to handle him for fear of getting an infection.
He is not my only snake so Im used to bites and their bad moods but he is the only one that does this and its starting to work.
Any help would be great as i don't wanna give up on him yet.

    I had a Diadam Rat Snake that was like that. I never got the snake out of that stage while many others progress in time. My advice is to get some cloth gardening gloves and handle the snake daily for the next month to see if you can coax it out of this fear response. If that works, try it without the gloves again.