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The Next Snake

22 15:26:15

I've already asked this question to another expert on this web site but this seems to be a subject where everyone has a different opinion. I've wanted to own a Green Tree Python for a few years now but have always been concerned about their reputation! I own Bearded Dragons, Gecko's, Tarantulas, Scorpions, a Whites Tree Frog and a Royal Python so I have a bit of experience with exotic animals. I used to own a Carpet Python called Snaga, this was the first snake I ever handled and the first time I saw her she bit two of the keepers at my local reptiles store! I had her for about three years, she only bit me once but for a first time owner of a snake she was a bit too extreme for me and I re-homed her for free provided she went to an experienced keeper. Last month I decided that it was time to try again, so I opted for a Royal Python due to their reputation of being very calm snakes, I have not been disappointed.  Kraken, my juvenile male is lovely to work with, he's really chilled out and has made me feel a lot better about my failure with the Carpet Python. Now, going from a Royal Python to a Green Tree Python is a massive leap and a leap that I am not prepared to take, yet! Would you be able to suggest a Python or Boa that would help me progress towards a Tree Python? Everyone on the net goes on about needing snake experience before you graduate to the Green Trees but I never find any info about what snakes you need experience with! I like the look of the Brazilian Rainbow Boas and Blood Pythons, would these be suitable stepping stones or are they also specialist Boids?
Just a few more questions about Green Tree Pythons:
Do you have any tips for handling these snakes, particularly how you get them off of the branch in the first place!?
Finally, how often do you get bitten? Green Tree Pythons have a reputation for being the Devil personified, is this justified?
Thanks for listening to me babbling on, if you could help answer some of my questions I would be really grateful.

ANSWER: OK, all three of the snakes you mentioned are "upper level" as far as caging and care requirements.  So there is no difference there.  Temperment wise the blood would probably get my vote as the toughest to tame-but I've had dog-tame bloods.  The BRB would probably be the easiest to tame-but I've seen BRB's that would take your face off...  GTP's are not any harder to tame (as babies) than many other snakes.  Now, if you buy a wild caught adult and try and tame it you'll need a lot of band-aids!  

I'd recommend you get the snake you want (the GTP).  DO your research, set-up you cage ($$$ will be involved but the better you set up the cage the easier the care is), choose a breeder, and buy a guaranteed feeding baby which you can handle and tame while it's small.  For GTP's I'd recommend Ben Siegal Reptiles out of FL.  Or if you want to tell me where you live I could perhaps recommend someone closer.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for the quick response. I live in Somerset, UK so I doubt you know any of my local breeders! My main problem is that I don't drive and there aren't many breeders in the south west of Britain. Have you got any experience with mail order reptiles? To me, the idea of an animal arriving through the post just seems absurd but I've never personally seen the results so what do I know?! Also, supposing I could get a lift from someone to pick up a Python, how would a snake handle a possible 4-5 hour journey in a box, are there any ways of making the trip easier for them?
Thanks again, the other expert I asked didn't exactly fill me with much confidence about taming these snakes down!

4-5 hours in a box is nothing.  These animals can survive 4-5 days in box easily!  I have both recieved and shipped animals overnight with services like UPS, Fedex, DHL.  If the animal is packaged correctly and the weather is ok, there really isn't much to worry about.  Just make sure you get a everything (guarantee wise) in writting and up front.