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help i vacumed up my daughters snake

22 15:32:27

hi i am in a panic my daughters snake got out of its tank we looked for her and couldnt find her anyway i was vacuming today and heard a strange noise looked down and saw the snake tail hanging out of vacume she had gotten wrapped aroung the spinning brush i untangeled her and her had looked odd she is a lavender albiona king snake and her head was purple now she has what looks like bruzing down the back of her head and her back she is about the size of a kindergarden crayon pretty small we put her back in her tank in her hidy spot a little while later she has come out and is laying on her tree branch she is breathing  anyway is there anything i can do to make sure she survives

Hi Connie,
   This does not sound good. If you lucky, she doesn't have a broken spine. All you can do is wait and see what happens. You can take her to the vet, but I do not think there is much they can do. You should know in 24 hours. If she lives, do not feed her for a week or so. Do not fret too bad. Accidents happen. I have lost a lot of snakes over the past 10 years, some to accidents. I once had a snake eat a gardening glove while that I wore while feeding her.

Let me know how it turns out.
