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Corns and kings

22 15:32:28

Hello I am trying to get started keeping and breed corn snakes and cali king snakes and need some help. I need to know what I need to setup for about ten snakes...hosuing,heating ect. Where I should be buying it, what brands are better ect.And do you know of anywhere I could buy a snake rack, hook, ect? Thank you

As far as the setup for each cage, I would suggest going to and if you look at his webpage, he has a book that you can purchase or read online about keeping milksnakes. Their care is the same as that of corn snakes.  

As far as caging, hooks, etc, go to, and browse the Classifieds section. There you will find a category on cages and such where all different kinds of vendors post. You can also find supplies such as these at reptile shows which are also posted on the kingsnake main page.