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milk snake shedding

22 15:26:19

QUESTION: i have a pueblan milk snake that I've had for 3 3 1/2 months and hasn't shedded yet all my other snake shed every month and a half and it kind of worries my can you tell me what the problem is also he eats once every 2 weeks i offer him food every few days and every week, he ate three days ago and eats today [3/18] and gets the pinkie quicker than usual i fed him because he looked skinny he is 4-6 months old

ANSWER: This is a case of one thing causing the other.  He is not shedding much because he is not eating much.  Snakes only shed when they outgrow their skin.  Pueblans will not eat like corn snakes (pretty much everytime you want to feed them), but once every 14 days seems a little long for me.  I'm a little confused by your note as exactly how often he really is feeding.  Try to get him to eat once per week or at a minimum every 10 days

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i offer food every few days then every week untill he eats so then he looks skinny then eats twice in three days im getting concerned that he has parasits because he looking very skinny like i said i offer food often so can this help you

If he IS eating and still looks skinny you're probably right to be concerned about parasites.  The only way to know will be to have a vet perform a "fecal float test."  The test itself is not really expensive <$20-usually.  But some vets might also charge you for the visit.  You can simply bag some feces (poop) and take it w/o the snake for the test.  Then the vet can tell you what drugs you might need.