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1st Ball Python Eye prob???

22 15:37:35

Well after reading much online AFTER I bought my snake I have realized I have gone about everything wrong, but I think he is pretty healthy and I have set up his cage as directed.

My main problem is on of his eyes. I think both eyes have eye caps still there and figured he would just lose with his next shed but one eye is really worrying me. It appears to be multiple caps there. I tried to use a moist towel 2 days ago but no success. After using a moist Q-tip yesterday I was able to get to of them to lift up but not come off. One is clear but the bottom one is brown. I am worried that the brown isn't a cap but not sure.

I just bought him Thursday and really don't want to mess with him cause I feel I have really stressed him out. I have had to remove all bedding being the pet store I bought him said to use pine but learned that was toxic and switched to Aspen yesterday. Now he won't even come out of his hide even at night and if he sees me when he pokes his head out he goes back into hiding.

I was recommended to put him in a tub with about and inch of water for an hour or two but am not sure if I should mess with him anymore till he adjusts. He seemed to get really pissed by the end of the 2nd time with the Q-tip. Should I just leave it for now and wait for him to relax after a week or two after he eats then try again or should I take him to the vet. I have also considered returning him for the female with seemed to be healthier but at least NOW I know what to look for when examining. Please any info and help is GREATLY appreciated.

Hello Doug,

Usually when snakes get retained eye caps it means there is no or not any humidity in their tank.

I'd bump up the humidity to at least 70%.

Since your python is new it's stressed of the new environment.  I'd give your python a few days to get used to the environment before handling.

After that try handling him a few times a day for him to get used to you and the environment.

After a few days of handling take some visine and put a drop or two on a q-tip and try rubbing it on the eyecap if that doesn't work and no progress is working.  I'd just give it a couple weeks it will eventually come off.

I had concerns about my ball python and I continued to keep the humidity up and gave it time and eventually in her next shedding periods it fell off.

Usually best thing to do is let nature take its course:)

If there are any other questions or concerns please feel free to ask:)

I hope some of this information helped a bit.