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shedding of a baby ball python snake

22 15:36:25

She has been shedding the past week and she still has the skin on top of her head and around it, she has been trying to get it off and we help by damping a towel and let her slither on it but does nothing, have any comments on what we could do?

I would leave the damp towel in her cage and she will probably rub it off using the towel herself. If that doesn't work after a day or two you can try using some mineral oil from a drugstore. Just a small amount on a towel may help. You might also put something rough like a branch in her cage to rub on. I usually add a humid hide box to a snake cage when it's time to shed. Just a small plastic container filled with damp sphagnum moss with a hole in the side for them to get in and out of.