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Corn Snake breed with Rat Snake?

22 15:33:11


I read a question saying that you cannot breed
a rat snake with a corn snake,
but I read that breeding a snow corn snake
with a rat snake (I'm guessing a red rat snake)
makes creamsicle corns
(which I didn't realize it,
but I owned a snake like that awhile ago)

I was wondering if I could breed my snow corn female with an albino/snow male rat snake,
would the male harm my female corn snake?
I'm having trouble finding a male corn snake big/old enough for my snow corn snake..
the pet stores sell babies or juvenile male corns.

Kim, your question has many things which can make it very confusing.  Let me start w/ this: Common names.  You threw out about 5 different "common names" there.  What matters is the species (and sometimes not even that) w/ "corns."  Pantherophis gutatta is the scientific name of all the snakes you mentioned with the possible exception of "albino/snow rat snake."  I'm betting that all the snakes you mentioned are corns.  If that is the case, then yes, breed away!

In fact, sometimes diferent species of rat snakes (there are rat snakes that are not corn snakes) will interbreed.  There have even been cases of king snakes being tricked into breeding with corn snakes!  

And finally, a little genetics.  Let's keep it simple; think red and black.... A normal corn has both red and black pigment.  Each of those pigment is coded for by a separate gene.  In some animals (albinos) those genes are turned off and the pigment is not made by the animals cells.  In your snow corn BOTH genes are turned off and it makes neither red nor black.  In corns albinism is a recessive trait. So, if you bred your snow to a normal (assuming the normal is not a carrier of the albino genes) you would get normal phenotypes (looking) babies that were heterozygous recessive (carried the recessive genes w/o showing it).  Put NN and nn in a Punnett Square and that's the same thing.  

If you bred an amelanistic (snake w/ no black) to your snow (again assuming that the amelanistic had no recessive genes), you would get all amelanistics which also carried the snow gene.  The Punnett Sqaure here would have 16 squares and the letters involved would be rrBB x rrbb.  Ask your local science teacher for help on the squares if you need it.