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My little cali king girl

22 15:26:13

I've had her for about 2 months now. She was fed a live pinkie after the first week and F/T ever since then. She eats very good and poops once or twice a week. My concern lies with the fact that she is so young and she has not shed yet. It is kind of puzzling to me because, to my knowledge, i keep everything good in her tank. The thermometer has only fallen below 70 twice, never gone above ~85, and the hygrometer normally reads 30-40% (day time) to 60-70% (night time).

Also, she shows a bit of striping down the sides of her body from about the midsection to her tail. Thinking she could be slightly overweight. If so, how can this be easily remedied?

  Snakes shed on different schedules based on a myriad of factors. Do not worry about the shedding, it will come with time. Your feeding schedule sounds correct for a snake of that size, so I would not change a thing. Once she gets a year or two old, if she still shows signs of obesity, cut her food intake by 50% until she gets back into shape.