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baby amazon tree boa

22 15:30:05

I had an amazon tree boa that had a litter of 11 on December 13. All the babies except for one is eating well. I have one that has not eaten at all after several attempts. I need some ideas on what to try. Do you know anything about using pinky pumps and where to get them?
Thank you

Hello Eric,

I have heard of them, but do not use them and am not sure where to get them from.

Have you tried to leave the snake in with the pinky mouse over night in a brown bag in the tank or even a small Tupperware container with some small holes drilled in it for air. This is the way I have gotten my new born babies to eat when they refused during the day. Actually I have two right now that will not eat unless I do this.

Let me know if this works for you and if you need any other help.