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Corn Snake feeding problems

22 15:30:49

I have a 2 year old male corn snake who up till now has been eating 2 - 3 medium sized mice once a week. He does not strike feed but eats at night from his 'tray'. Since he last shed 2 weeks ago he has refused to eat. We tried dangling a mouse for him last night, exposing the brain, giving him a smaller mouse and everything else we could think of but although he showed a slight amount of interest he did not eat anything. His vivarium is clean and I have checked the temperatures and they are within the normal range. He does not appear to show any signs of injury or distress. How long should I let him not eat for before I take him to the vet?

This is a really difficult question.  He could be in his winter slow down (mine are - but I purposely cool them to make them) or he could be sick...  Try looking at his gums, if they are pink and healthy looking give him another 2 weeks w/o even trying to offer food.  If they are whitish or if they is any extra fuild in his mouth or any bubbles coming from his mouth call the vet immediately.  You could also call the vet just to be 100% safe.