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Ball/Royal Python

22 15:26:18

Heya, I have a royal python as a pet in the UK, she was a rescue from my supervisor as I have many other snakes and she couldn't get the snake to eat. By march of last year, the python was eating again out of nowhere.

At the end of last year - early December, late November, she stopped eating (the python, not my supervisor) and for the last 3 or 4 months has eaten one mouse every 4 - 6 weeks. It's now march again, and the python ate last weekend, and shortly after showed signs of shedding. I'm fairly confident that she will start eating on a regular basis again after she sheds her skin, but my questions are:

Does the ball python typically have an annual fasting period?

Do they have a sense of the seasons even in a tank with controlled temps, humidity and day light hours?

Should I expect this fasting to be a regular pattern each year?

Also, I notice you keep western hog-nose snakes, what can I expect as a typical growth rate for my male? I acquired him a month ago and he's my first hog-nose. The breeder I got him from said that it takes two years to reach sexual maturity usually, but with all my other snakes, sexual maturity and adult size are different matters.. hope you can help!


1. Yes. It is not unusual for BPs to go months on end without eating in captivity. I have 2 and they probably eat about once every 6 weeks.

2. Yes, without question. I could tell you the season by who is eating and who is not eating. Some eat year around, but I am sure they know.

3. Yes, although some can be irregular all year long. BPs are bad for not eating. If they maintain their body weight and drink, do not worry. I have one that once went 6 months without eating.

4. Hognose: They grow slowly. I have had the western for 5+ years and she is still only about 28 inches. They are a lot of fun though. Great personality and gentle as can be. If you ever want a challenge, get a giant hognose. Mine is about 5 feet now and evil as they come.