Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > blisters??!??!


22 15:29:18

ok so my ball python kirby is 6 yrs old and her temps is like 80+ and humdity is like 60-70 during the day. but im really concerned.. she just shed and a week afterwards her eyes turn grey agian like she would be shedding agian.. but she isnt, she does however look like shes growing cuz she appears to be growing new scales.. but shes developed these small water blisters. mostly on her head and were it looks like shes growing new scales..she doesnt have them on her underside. ther not to big but they arnt normal.. could this be becuse shes growing new scales?? uncool..

Hey Brie,

Do the blisters feel like water under them. What ever you do do not rub on it. The skin of a ball python is very thin. If it is pulling away from the muscle it will tear easily.

You might only fill the water bowl enough for her to drink and not soak. Then mist in the tank everyday.

You should also bring her to the vet.

Hope this helps,