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corn snake questions

22 15:26:29

I was recently thinking about buying a baby corn snake. But i am worried it will bite me or get loose. But i heard that when snakes shed their skin they go blind and will bite if handled. i was also wondering what tempeture i should keep the heat lamp on, and also what tempature the water in its water dish should be (ex: cold, or medium warm). and one more question, how big should its tank be (its only about a foot to a foot and a half big). i want to make my snake as happy as possible so thank you soooo much if you can answer my questions.(:

ANY animal can bite at ANY time.  I have been bitten by literally hundreds of snakes (including some over 10 feet in length), geckos, monitors, etc.  The two animals that bit me hard enough to send me to the doctor were a rat and own cat.  When I was younger, my grandmother's dog nearly ripped my ear off!  So, I can't tell that the corn snake will never bite you.  I can tell you corn snakes are very placid animals and rarely bite.  I can tell you that even if it did bite, the worst part of it would be the scare.  Corn snake bites are almost always very quick defensive strikes and their teeth are tiny and sharp, therefore it doesn't hurt very much at all.  Besides think how cool it will be to tell all your friends you got bitten by a snake and lived!

As to all your other questions I'd recommend a book by the author: Kathy Love.  She is a friend of mine and written a very easy to read and understand book called "The Corn Snake Manual."  It is a must for a first time corn snake owner.  You could also order most of the snakes you see in the book from her!  I also sell some corns if for some reason you can't find them where you live.