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Kenyan Sand Boa Shedding

22 15:31:26

I have a kenyan sand boa who is about 3-4 months old and about 12inches long.  She (we call it a she) had one shed about 2 months ago.  Immediately after, her skin was nice and bright and shiny.  Only about a week after that first shed, she began turning to a dull color again.  Since then, it seems that she is perpetually dull and ready to shed--it seems she is never her "normal" coloring and when she does shed it is only partway.  Also, the last week or so, her mid-section is crinkly looking like bunched up tissue paper.  Her head and tail still look smooth (but dull) but her mid is dry and crinkly.  She just doesn't seem healthy!  Is her shedding cycle normal?  What explains the crinkly skin?  What can we do to help her out?

Thank you!

Hi Kate,
  Is you snake eating normally? It seems that the enclosure is too dry (although they usually live in dry climates). Create a microclimate with higher humidity and see of that helps. See the link below for a good care sheet. If the microclimate doesn't work, and she is eating healthy, I would not worry.