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cali kingsnake

22 15:30:22

Hello i have a California kingsnake and it took her a little over a half an hour to eat a fuzzy. she is about 2 months old and is about 16 to 18 inches long.  should i feed her something smaller next time to be on the safe side? i heard that if you feed them something too big they can throw it up or die in a worst case scenario. i just wanted to be safe

You are correct, you don't want to feed a meal that is too large. The easiest way to tell is that after the snake eats the meal, the bulge in their gut should be noticeable but not huge. And the bulge should remain for about 24 hours. If your snake ever throws up it's meal, wait at least 10 days before trying again so that it's stomach acids can return to normal, and then feed a smaller sized mouse.