Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > texas brwn snake

texas brwn snake

22 15:32:31

a while back i aquired a few texas brwn snake through a freind
he had said it was caught in the wild. at first i was going to let them go but they quickly became domesticated. they actaully like being held i would feed them earthworms,snails,and small lizards. so i kept them
now they had babies and im not sure what to feed them.
obviosly the worms and snails are to big for them.
so what can i do. throwing tem away isnt an option

Hi Nathan,

sorry about the late reply.

dont worry, i wasnt going to suggest throwing them away!

you could try small slugs. texas brown snakes love these as much as earthworms or snails and you should be able to find slugs small enough for them to eat.

the other option would be to cut up earthworms into smaller sizes... not the nicest option but it should work.

I hope this helps,
