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Behavior and eating habit changes

22 15:36:41

I have had my sand boa for almost a year and his habits have changed a lot.  He is staying out more than in and is wanting to be handles all the time (even when he is shedding).  He is also playing in his water and rubbing his head on everything.  He also has not eaten in over 2 months.  We are starting to get really worried about him.  By the way he is 18 inches long and is about as big around as a quarter.  Well at least we think it is a male.  He has the 2 pinkish spurs near the tail.  Can you please give us some advise or tell us what we are doing wrong.  If you need more details please feel free to email me.  Thank you so much for being available for all  of us who really don't know as much as we should.  
Tiffany Smith

I'm not really an expert on boas so it's hard for me to answer this one. In general, male snakes will go "off feed" when they are mature enough to mate and it's that time of the year. I don't know if sand boas do this as well, or if yours would be fully mature at only one year. I would suggest going to the boa forum on kingsnake dot com and posting your question there.
As far as not eating, have you tried varying the type of food you are offering (ie live instead of frozen, rats instead of mice, etc)?