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Eye Problems

22 15:30:21

I have a 2 year old Ball Python I just rescued. I can tell her last sheds before I got her had been less than stellar but the result is something I haven't seen before. Her eye cap seems to have "Crinkled". It has been 4 sheds now with no improvement. Normally I would have said it was a retained cap and I would have it removed, but the eye caps have been coming off (I have made sure to check every shed) with the same crinkle in the shed skin.
She otherwise is in good health. She has both heat pads and a heat lamp since my house stays colder than I prefer. Temperature in her basking spot is 86. Ambient temperature for the whole tank is 70. Humidity is about 55%. It is a 55 gallon (She was in a 20 before) tank. She is CB. She eats a medium F/T rat every 2-3 weeks. She was overweight when I got her, but that has been taken care of. She has a large soaking bowl which she uses on occasion. She has been on both aspen and cage carpet to see if one would work better for her.

Any ideas? Is this going to be permanent?

Thank you.

Hi Michelle,

The eye caps will come off with a little help. Allow you snake to soak in the tub for about a half hour then use a damp washcloth and rub the eye with it when it is good and moist you can rub your finger on it to help release the dried skin and remove the cap. Be very carefully when doing this if you accidently pick to much you can hurt the actual eye.

Hope this helps,