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Gopher Snake reguritating??!!

22 15:30:21

Last night I noticed my gopher snake shaking his head back and forth quite violently with his mouth open, almost like he couldn't breath. He started making we weird noise, like a squeaking. He started twisting his body around, like he was trying to regurgitate. The inside of his mouth was almost turning a purple color. He did this for about 15 min and continued making a sqeaking noise. After all this happened I checked his cage and he didn't regurgitate anything! We feed him live mice every 1-2 weeks, and he hasn't eaten in about 2 weeks now ( I tried a week ago but he wasn't interested, so we figured he was getting ready to shed). We have his tank heat around 80 he has a clean bowl of water all the time. This was very strange and wonder if you have any idea what's going on as this is our frist snake?

Hi Anita,
    It could be a lot of things. Regurgitation is usually a symptom of something else going on. I would raise the temp a little in the enclosure and try to feed again. I am not worried about him not eating as some snakes can go for months without eating. I am worried about the regurgitation. If this continues, I'd take him to an exotic vet and get him checked out.