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snakes aggression

22 15:32:04

ive had a corn snake for about three months and hes never bit me before but i tried to get him out of his enclosure after having a bit of alchahol and he tried to bite me and his tail started vibrating. i thought it wold be best to leave him to calm down but i came back the next day and his tail vibrated again and he went for me again. i left him for a couple of days then tried to see him but he went for me again. thank you

Hi Sam,
   I am afraid that I do not have a good answer for you. Your not alone though. I have a hognose that nearly took my hand off this weekend and he has never bitten before. The simple truth is that snakes are all unpredictable. They will go years without biting and then snap (I never leave my daughter alone in the snake room and have locks on all of the enclosures). Try handling him with a gardening glove for a week or so and then free-hand again. They seem not to like leather, so he will probably not bite it. If he does, just keep trying. It is possible that he now associates something negative with you and is now aggressive toward you, but that is only speculation. Snakes are simply creatures with lightning quick triggers. We will never know what changed, but with a little work, he will be right as rain in no time.