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open bite wound

22 15:26:35

My snake has a open wound close to the ending of his tail but not that close. Because its more towards the fatty part of the ending of the tail. My boyfriend and I believe that our cat got a hold of him when he snuck out of his cage and got her nail stuck, for the fact that where the wound is, our snake has a little bit of fatty tissue just hanging on him. At first we thought that he might of had candy stuck on him but when I touched it. It was not for it was gooey, attached and around the wound was a little bit of blood. Now, I was wondering if when he sheds and the tissue has died, will it fall off its self when he brushes up against the log stump house that we bought him at the pet store? Or should we attempt to cut it off our selves? And could the open wound cause him to die? We are very concerned and warred for he is still a baby and we want him to live a very long life with us. Can you PLEASEEE HELP us??  

What you have to guard against here is infection. The safest way is to take him to a vet and they will give him an antibiotic shot. Secondly, apply 3 in 1 antibiotic ointment until the wound is completely healed. Depending on how far back the wound is, the tail may fall off. As long as the wound is kept clean, he should be okay. If in doubt, go ahead and see a vet.