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question about the death of my california albino kingsnake

22 15:30:40

i got Mustard, my California Albino Kingsnake around christmas.i was told by the people from the pet store that it was too young to know the sex of the snake..she/he was approximately 35cm long...they guy in the pet store said that they feed the snake everymorning but i could feed it every other day. the snake was not eating at all.She finally attempted to eat on the Friday 16th of this month.I fed it the pinkie, like i said she attempted to eat it.she had the pinkie in her mouth and i was really excited because i thought she was finally going to eat so i left her alone..when i checked back on her a  couple of minutes after she was lying in the cage with her mouth opened and she was dead..mind you she did NOT consume the pinkie...please help..i dont have a clue of what went wrong..

Tes, here's what went wrong.  You bought from a pet store that knew absolutely nothing about reptiles and they outright lied to you.  I would take your dead snake, wait in the parking lot until the store is good and busy, then walk in and demand a refund.  

Snakes can be sexed at birth (lie 1), they do not/would not eat everyday (lie 2), and should not be fed more than once every 5 days AT THE MOST (lie 3).

If they refuse to refund your money, tell them you will be posting on every pet related website you can find including Craigslist and Fauna Classifed and contacting the local Better Business Bureau.

YOu can also post the name here in hopes no one else in your area ever walks into that store.