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The habitat in my snakes tank.......

22 15:21:05

I have a ball python about the size of your forearm. I thought that pythons were lazy, but I find recently that my snake is VERY active and is looking for ANYTHING to climb on, (even her heating lamp but I have to peel her off cause it's dangerous! ) I've looked in my local pet store and any other store around me that sells pet items and cannot find a climbing log. One, is it safe to put an ordinary log out of the woods in the tank? Is there any way I can make it safe?
   I understand that it could run the risk of ticks and other bugs on the log, but I am hoping that there is a way I can 100% sterilize a log... If not, please let me know and I will keep looking in stores!
Thank you


Good question Emma. There are two answers. The official answer is no, no log from the woods will be 100% safe. Now for the real answer... Take a log / limb and soak it in your tub in a solution of 10% bleach and 90% water for 3-7 days. Let it completely dry and you should be fine. I have done this a million times and have never had an issue.