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kingsnake regurgitated

22 15:32:07

my kingsnake regurgitaded and im not sure how long to wait before feeding again. im sure its because i handled to soon after eating. how long do i wait after he eats to put him back in his habitat?

It's ok to handle your snake enough to put him back into his habitat after eating. You just don't want to be handling him a lot, that's all. Are you sure that the regurgitation wasn't due to the size of the food item? In general, the food item should make a noticeable but not huge bulge in the snakes body, and should disappear after about 48 hours. Causes of regurgitation, in addition to handling, include the food item being too large, the temps not being adequate for digestion, or possibly illness such as a parasite.

As far as when to feed the snake it's next meal, make sure that you wait at least 10 days so that it's stomach enzymes get built back up. Then feed it a slightly smaller food item next time, even if it doesn't make a bulge, so that you can make sure it stays down. If it were to regurgitate again, I would suggest a product called NutriBac which you can find online at The Bean Farm. It's a powder substance that you can add to the food item (mouse) which contains the enzymes normally found in the snake's stomach, thus helping to build his digestive power back up. I don't think that you need to buy it just yet, wait and see how the next meal goes.