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Baby Texas Brown Snake feeding...

22 15:32:40

Alright, my brother and I found a snake in our front yard. After getting a little $5 bargain bin habitat from PetCo we did some research and discovered it was a Texas Brown Snake.

Unfortunately, we have no idea what to feed it. It's a little baby snake (2 and a half inches long) and we think that feeding it the suggested diet (worms and slugs) would be a bit extreme, since they'd be bigger than he is.

What i'm asking: What should we feed it, and if mealworms/fishing bait worms/slugs would suffice, even though they're larger than he is?

Thanks very much,

These snakes are not very desirable for pets. They tend to musk and do not like being held. I am not sure if they are part of the "racer" family, but their characteristics seem to match that group. Try mealworns and small red-worms or snails. The snake you have is a hatchling at 2". If he doesn't eat and continue eating within a week, I would and release him. Pet stores have a lot of inexpensive snakes. I suggest getting a captive born snake rather than wild caught. They have a whole lot less chance of having parasites & undesirables.


Kevin L. Ogle