Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > red tail boa not eating

red tail boa not eating

22 15:37:12

We have a 6-7 month old red tail boa that we got last weekend, we hvae tried to feed her twice and she wont eat. The first time we fed her a hopper, then today we tried to feed her a pinky, but she wont eat. Can you please give us some suggestions. We thought it might be where she is just in a differnt inviroment and is just getting used to it. But would like to know for sure.  

That is perfectly normal for your boa to not be wanting to eat.  It has only been a week and you need to give her a good month to adjust to her new environment. She will eat when she feels comfortably.  Just be sure you are providing her with the proper heating and of course water.  Good luck :-)