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Boa Python is very weak.

22 15:32:37

I have a boa python - about 3 yrs old and she has mites. Her eating habits are good and she ate 2 mice 3 weeks ago. She is typically a picky eater but it's something we're used to by now. Anyway, She has had mites before and we have cleaned her tank w/ a house cleaner w/ bleach & hot water, and rubbed olive oil on her skin and this usually works. She will usually get them after a feeding which means they are probably coming from the mice. Recently we changed her bedding to some type of wood chip for snakes and the mites have gotten really bad. She had allot under her neck.  She is very weak and cannot hold up her head, she is only able to move the bottom half of her body. Sometimes we find her on her side or belly up. I have had to place her mouth in a water dish just so she would drink. Last night I picked each one off and got under her scales as best as I could. We tossed the bedding and placed paper towel in her tank which is what we usually use. She shares the tank with a Red Tail Boa and of course she too has mites but is moving around fine. We will try the Reptile Relief tomorrow... My questions is, could the mites have caused her to be so incredibly weak?  Is there anything else we should do, or not do?

Hi Kim,

First thing to do first is get rid of the mites. They can and will kill a snake in captivity. The next thing is to remove any decoration, clean it with the bleach water mixture then set it out to dry in the sun.

The next thing is to Stop using the pet store with the mites. Inform them they have mites on their rodents.

Hope this helps.
Eric Rovegno