Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Anaconda


22 15:29:18


sometime yesterday  ( probably during the evening) I found my Baby Green Anaconda Dead. We were getting ready to feed him but I checked his tank to pull him out but when I grabbed him he felt strange.
his body seemed very tight. There didnt seem to be any injuries externally .

Ive had him almost a year . although i do believe he is a little older than I think .

he always had a hard time eating , he never really ate on his own. I would have to force him to eat. Most times he kept the food down. on rare occasions he would barf the food up soon after swallowing it.

I got him a whole new setup , a nice 40 gallon breeder tank and the lamps and the shades, big water dish , everything.

He seemed to open his mouth a little too much too often at times.when I found him dead i tried to open his mouth but it was a little tight. I noticed that he had a decent amount of spit.

I wish I could have helped him , I feel absolutely awful .

what do you think it could have been .

ANSWER: Hello Adam,

It is hard to say what happened. You said he was opening his mouth allot lately. Did you notice and coughing sound or body convulsions?

Was the temp and humidity levels right on?
90 degrees with 65% humidity level

Not sure what else to say here except that I am sorry to hear about your snake. i hope you don't let this deter you from buying another.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: For the most part I did follow the correct temps and humidity.

My girlfriend however would be a bit more conservative with the heating . only used it before and after any of our snakes/lizards ate.

at times we would hold him and he would extend himself upward and the open his mouth . one time he barfed up what looked like ( to me anyways) Water.

in efforts to conquer his poor eating habits we tried offering him fish , he would barf them up too .

I just wish there was something I could have done.

Ive had a few pets die on me , but this one did it for me. I really want to be a Reptile Vet.

Hello Adam,

That may have been the problem. Snakes require the heat to help with the digestion of their food. Anacondas will do better with a heat lamp rather than a pad. They will sit on dry land to soak up the heat rays.

There is allot involved with a herpitoligist. It requires a great deal of knowledge about all reptile species. Not trying to deter you, but it is something to think about.

Don't let this stop you from owning another reptile.