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snake drooling

22 15:37:12

Hi, I have a 7' albino burmese and the last couple of days I have noticed than when he is handled he drools alot from the mouth. Is this a potential problem. Please advise. THanks Mike

Hi Mike.  It sounds like your burmese has an Upper Respiratory infection.  They can be very serious since they can develope into pneumonia.  And being such a beautiful snake as yours... he needs to see a VET ASAP for some antiobiotics.  In the meantime, raise his temps to about 90 F and keep it constant until you can see the Vet.  You may also notice your snake lifting his head and open his mouth.  That is another sign.  UPI can spread like fire to your other snakes if you have any so keep him seperate in another room. One of my Rosy Boas had a UPI and the antiobiotic nose drops the Vet gave him cleared it right up.  Good luck and let me know what happens :-)