Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Can I place a live tree branch in my snake cage?

Can I place a live tree branch in my snake cage?

22 15:30:42

I'm building a terrarium for my Boa and I wish to put a log inside it. I have cut a log from my olive tree in my back yard and I have a problem how I should put it in the cage i.e. shall I put it live/ fresh or and disinfect it or should I dry it first?

Hi Jonathan,
    Good thinking on your part to think of this before you place it into the enclosure. If it will fit, bake it. Heat is the quickest and easiest solution. If not, put it in the bath tub with a little bleach. Weight it down to make sure it is submerged. I would leave it overnight, then let it completely dry. To be extra safe, soak it again in non-bleach water for another day, then dry it again. Chances are that you can stick the log into the enclosure green and have no problems. If you want to be 100% sure, follow one of the above suggestions.