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what branches can I use

22 15:36:53

have recently acquired a Baby corn, she (it may be a he)  is very friendly and easy to handle, I kept her in a plastic box for a few weeks till she and I got used to each other, and now moved into new viv approximate foot long, she seems happy in there with no change in temperament or feeding habits, now I feel its time to add a tree branch for her but was wondering what sort of branch would be appropriate, I'm sure I heard somewhere Cherry was a definite no no, but apple would be fine. Could you clarify this for me, and offer any other suggestions, and also how to treat it before I put it in with her??
thanks Debbie.

Hi Debbie
Congrats on your new baby Cornsnake!  Sounds like everyone is adjusting nicely:-)  Personally I use driftwood or the type of vines/branches they sell at local petstores.  Reason being because they are already treated and free of parasites and fungus.  I can not be certain if apple would be a good choice. I have never heard of using it. That being said, if you do want to use your own wood you can treat it with one half cup of bleach to one gallon of water. It is effective in inactivating many infectious agents.  I normally soak mine in that mixture in a bucket for a good 1/2 hour.  Then I rinse well and soak it again for another good hour in a bucket of warm water ONLY (NO bleach).  Let it dry completely.  Hope this helped and thanks for writing.