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odd behavior in my snake.

22 15:26:21

Ok,ive had this snake for a few months. Hes about 7 months old, and he is acting on the weird side. The other day, I got him a baby rat that was a little too big for him on accident and didnt realize that until i got the little guy in there. My snake wouldnt eat it, he would curl up beside it! I kept the rat in there for two days thinking that my snake was just saving him for later, but then i was just thinking that the snake was a friend to the pest. I let the rat free later. But now I look back at my snake, it looks like hes going to throw up.H was gagging a little bit, but then swallow a little lump that would appear in his throat. I thought he might have the hiccups (hahaha) but i just wanted to make shure if hes okay. please response soon! thanks --c.

OK, first of all- NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!  Leave a rat/mouse in the cage with the snake unattended - NEVER!!!!  You're very lucky the rat didn't start chewing on the snake.  And NO, the snake won't defend itself (they are dumb like that).  DON'T do that again!  

Next, it sounds like your snake has a respiratory infection (gagging, lumps, not eating), so I would recommend a vet visit. SOON. It will need antibiotics if that is the problem.