Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > possible respiratory infefection baby ball

possible respiratory infefection baby ball

22 15:36:48

thank you for all your help on other occations. my male ball python went into shed about a week ago.we have been checking his progress daily ,and today we noticed something white in his mouth so we checked for mouth rot.he shows no sign of mouth rot the white thing came out with the q-tip we used to open his looked like a small piece of chicken.last time he ate was on 7/30. could that regurgetated piece of the fuzzie? when we put him back in the tank it looked like he could breathe better but we noticed that little bubbles coming out of his nose . but this cleared up within about 30 seconds to about a minute.we went ahead and put him issolation. could this be a respriatory infection. what should we do?

Hi Brandy.  It highly sounds to me as though your python has an upper respiratory infection.  He will need to be seen by a Veterinarian who specilizes in reptiles so he can get started on antibiotic medicine.  It can be common for snakes to get a resp infec but it can be easily taken of through medicine.  Also, the "piece" of food you saw would not be from a mouse since snakes eat their food whole. It is part of the infection...mucus, etc. Take care and let me know how he does.